Professional Piano Teacher in Whitley Bay, Newcastle, North East England
0191 280 1206 | 07984 468 054
0191 280 1206 | 07984 468 054

Call, Text, Email Andrew Ridgwick Anytime
(Please leave a voicemail if I am unable to answer your call)
0191 280 1206 | 07984 468 054
Book Your Music Lessons
Contact Andrew Ridgwick by:
- Telephone
- Mobile
- Text Message
- Website Form
The telephone will divert to my mobile if I am unable to answer. If I can't anwer my mobile, please leave a voicemail message, I will endeavour to return your call within a matter of hours.
Contact Andrew Ridgwick
Drop me an email using the form below to send me a message via the website. I will aim to respond to all emails and messages within a few hours.
Please give the following details when enquiring about lessons:
- Who the lesson is for?
- Piano, Keyboard or Theory?
- Your best available days & times
- Contact details
66 Sandringham Drive
Whitley Bay
NE25 9PA
55.04000, -1.48595
West Monkseaton